Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Production Log and Production Schedule - L02.

Production log and location links.
Production Schedule
Thursday 23rd May 2013 5pm until 10pm
Friday 31st May 2013 5pm until 10pm.
Monday 3rd June 2013 2pm until 6pm.

I had diverse locations to film my narrative music video production.
The first location was 14 Moorside Road, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD2 2EU.

The second location was Bradford College, Great Horton Road, BD7 1AY.

The final location was my student halls Laisteridge Lane, Bradford, BD5 0NH.

1st Day of shoot: Abbie Chilton’s house 14 Moorside Road, BD2 2EU.

Proposed production log:

On the first day of shooting I will successfully plan and shoot the opening scenes of my narrative music video ‘Upside Down’, the opening scene of my short narrative music video will be scene 1 in which Graham arrives home from meditation to his bedroom to relax, scene 2 will be when Graham gets into bed and is joined by Abbie, this scene will outline the early form of their relationship and the positive aspects. Scene 3 will reveal when Abbie leaves Graham in the night to go to her parents house. Scene 4 will be when Graham visit’s his girlfriend parents house to find out why his girlfriend (Abbie) has left him. I will film scene 5 at Abbie’s house this is the scene in which Graham goes to his girlfriends parents house with flowers to seek her love again. I will film scene 10 in which Graham arrives home to find to his surprise that his girlfriend is cheating with another man. I will also film scene 11 in which Graham learns to accept that his girlfriend has moved on. Finally I will shoot the end scene of my film, which is the party scene in which Graham moves on in his relationship.

Actual filming day:

On May 23rd at Abbie Chilton’s house in Bradford I began principal filming and managed to film a great deal of my narrative music video, I filmed for 4 hours but had to cease filming due to it becoming late. On reflection and reviewing I will outline how I could have improved for my hooting and also outlined future recommendations. I filmed the first scene in which Graham (Steve Maloney) arrives home from meditation and slumps onto his Bed, this was filmed using my Nikon d5100 DLSR camera so the footage was crisp and clear, this was a complicated tracking shot and I did experience lighting issues during filming. In future I would ensure that I was aware of the lighting surroundings and I would also alter the lighting effects in the editing suite.

I filmed scene 2 in which the girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) arrives and joins Graham in Bed, they relax and converse about their days. Both Steve and Abbie were very helpful on set, they understood the vision of the scene, it did require however several takes as both actors had moments of loss of concentration and this was challenging for me as at times I had to reign them back in to the vision of the story. For this scene In future I should have ensured that my indoor lighting was okay and also I would ensure I had correctly white balanced.

Steve Maloney was very good at understanding the character of Graham, he understood the meaning of the song and also the ideas which I gave to him he understood them very well, however there were times where there were bloopers which I did not feel angry at, I slightly felt when I watched the footage back and other class members saw it, I felt it reflected badly on me as I could not control my artists. I also filmed scenes 3, 4 and 5 in which Graham (Steve Maloney) wakes up and find to his surprise his girlfriend is not sleeping by his side, however due to the mistake I made in which shadow was in the shot, I had to cut at a certain point in the scene, did however re-shoot the scenes and they were successful. Scene 4 was Graham (Steve Maloney) going to his girlfriend’s parents’ house, Graham finds her Mum (Gina Amos), Brother (Richard Orange) and his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) as they laugh and tell jokes, poking fun at Graham. During this scene I was pleased with how Gina Amos did well to get into character of the Mum despite not really knowing the vision of the narrative music video and I was pleased with Richard Orange’s ability to portray a sincere character. During this scene on reflection I feel that I should have given my artist more clarity as to what they needed to do, I am however pleased with the result. Scene 5 consisted of Graham (Steve Maloney) visiting his girlfriend to give her flowers, this scene was successful but I did feel that despite clearly explaining the scene Steve did at times laugh when it was not really necessary.

During Monday 23rd we also filmed scene 10 in which Graham (Steve Maloney) comes and finds his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) in bed with her new boyfriend (Thomas Shearer), this scene was a great performance from Steve Maloney and the level of emotion which he put into the character was great, however in this scene Abbie did look at the camera several times so we had to reshoot this scene. We also did scene 11 in which Graham forgives his ex- girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) and finally accepts seeing her with her new boyfriend (Thomas Shearer), during this scene Abbie and Thomas were very good at suggesting shots I could use and this scene also featured a great performance from Steve Maloney, I used a wide shot to capture the environment of the scene and then I used a medium close up to capture Steve Maloney as he gazed into the distance.

Proposed filming for shoot 2 – Friday 31st May – Bradford College BD7 1AY.

During the second day of filming on Friday 31st May I will film scene 7 in which Richard Orange (DAD) has a meeting with Graham (Steve Maloney) to discuss why Abbie was forced to have an abortion. This scene will feature the confrontation and conflict between Richard and Graham. Secondly I will film the meditation scene with Graham, this will be a zoom shot.

Actual outcomes for 2nd day of shoot:

On the second session of filming on May 30th at Bradford College I shot the scenes with Graham (Steve Maloney) and Richard Orange (originally the Dad) it was shortly after this that I was aware Richard looked too young to be the Dad, in which case I later decided to use Adam Mitulinski for the shoot on June 3rd. On May 30th I filmed various confrontation scenes between Graham (Steve Maloney) and the then Dad (Richard Orange). The improvements for future would be to not move the camera so much during filming and use a tripod to ensure that the filming is steady. Also I should have used an older actor to begin with as this would have saved time. For the second scene on day 2 I filmed Graham in a room meditating, this shot I used a zooming technique which was not efficient and on reflection I would film this scene again on the final shoot on June 3rd, instead of using zoom features I would shoot a long, medium and close up shot so that the video was less jarring.

Proposed filming for final shoot Day 3 – Monday 3rd June 2013.

For the final shoot I wanted to re-shoot the scene in which Graham wakes up and finds to his surprise his girlfriend is not sleeping by his side as during the first day I of filming I made an error with there being too much shadow in the shot. I also wanted to film a reaction shot in which Graham sees the note and is visibly affected by this. I also wanted to film a scene in which Graham and Abbie arrive at their new apartment, this scene will be after the first scene in which Abbie leaves Graham as I wanted to show that it has happened to Graham multiple times. I will film a scene in which Graham and Abbie are happy and watching TV together enjoying the new time in their relationship, I also will film a scene in which Abbie and Graham are in bed together and Abbie leaves Graham again, once again outlining her deceptive nature. I will also film scene 6 in which Graham arrives home and is told the news by his girlfriend that she has been forced to have an abortion, for this scene I would film various types of shot including a reaction shot in which Graham would breakdown. I would also film a medium shot of Graham’s reaction and a medium shot of Graham as his girlfriend leaves him without saying goodbye.

I will also film scene 7 in which Graham confront the Dad, this film was a reshoot of the original scene this time using Adam Mitulinski as the Dad as it looked more authentic. This scene will be various different angles including a crane shot.

I will film scene 8 in which Graham rejects all of his girlfriend calls and decides to leave her and venture alone. I will also film scene 9 in which Graham walks alone in the heart of the city, this will include a wide shot of Graham, then a medium shot, then a close up shot before he finally leaves and walks into the city. I will also re-shoot scene 10 in which Graham finds his girlfriend in bed with another with man.

Actual filming for final day:

On the third session of filming on June 3rd 2013, I re-filmed the scenes in which Graham has meditation (scene 12), this time I used a wide shot, then cut to a medium shot and then finally cut to a close up shot which was very effective. I also re-filmed the scene in which Graham (Steve Maloney) confronts his ex-girlfriend’s Dad (this time played by Adam Mitulinski) choosing to cast Adam as the Dad due to him look much older and more authentic. I also filmed scene 9 in which Graham (Steve Maloney) walks out of the door and ignores his girlfriend’s (Abbie Chilton) calls, deciding to leave her alone. During this scene I filmed multiple shots of Graham (Steve Maloney) receiving calls from his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) I then close ups of the phone as we see Graham ignoring the calls. During the June 3rd shoot we also did a separate session of filming in which I did a tracking shot of Graham (Steve Maloney) as he leaves his girlfriend behind and wanders off into the city of Bradford, this scene was a tracking shot. The final session of filming was also on June 3rd at my student accommodation halls, Laisteridge Lane, Bradford, BD5 0NH, during this session I re-filmed the scene 11 in which Graham (Steve Maloney) catches his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) in bed with her new boyfriend (Thomas Shearer) the reason I re-shot this was due to the original scene Abbie was looking into the camera. I also filmed a scene of Graham (Steve Maloney) and his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) entering their new apartment, watching television together and also going to bed together. I also filmed a scene in which Graham (Steve Maloney) awakens to again find his girlfriend not by his side, which is repeated in the film to outline that it is not the first time that this has happened to Graham (Steve Maloney).

I re-filmed the reaction shot of Graham (Steve Maloney) as he finds his girlfriend (Abbie Chilton) in bed with a new man (Thomas Shearer), the reason I reshot this was in the original version I could not use it Abbie and Thomas kept hiding under the covers, in the updated version it is much clearer who both characters are and also it is much more effective as we see Graham’s (Steve Maloney) emotion more clearly. I was pleased to be able to re-shoot these scenes as I amended the earlier issues of my shadow being in shot, white balance issues and the issues of Abbie looking into the frame.

The several hours of filming at Abbie’s house was beneficial and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to film, it also taught me the art of time management and that I need to be more assertive and clearer when I work with a crew in future.

I do also feel that I was professional and dedicated to delivering the best possible narrative music video, I was careful in the planning of the scenes and patient in the way I crafted each scene, the experience was a first for me and I did feel considerable responsibility which I feel I dealt with extremely well.

To improve in the future I would however have given myself more time to plan and shoot the film and also spend more time with the artists clearly outlining the vision of the film, due to the time limitations, I felt rushed on set and did not always feel that I was being fully understood which on reflection could have been my fault but also I felt that I needed more time which I did not have.

I am very pleased with musical artist Graham Woolley who although he was not in the video, he was however extremely helpful with providing me with the music file and consent form, due to the nature of both of our busy schedules however it take me sometime before I finally acquired the consent form but I am also extremely thankful that I was even given the opportunity to use Graham’s musical file and he was extremely co-operative.

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