Monday, 18 March 2013

Script with Summary and Tagline: Happiness Loves Company.

Script: Happiness Loves Company by Jake Regan.
Unfortunately no one can see the future; you must live life and find things out for yourself.
Short Summary:
During 1941 in London two friends explore the journeys that led to their close friendship as they rejoice on the highs and lows of existence, Castor (35) and Calvin (38) are at a lost end for activities and decide to attend a wedding, the ceremony is fabulous and a royal occasion which just so happens to have Larry (31) and Valencia (28) as guests, Larry being Calvin’s ex girlfriend and Valencia her supportive accomplice. Through conversation and development of Castor and Calvin’s relationship, we learn that Castor suffered with heavy drinking problems as he struggles to deal with life after serving in the navy, we then have a flashback to 1926 as Castor (20) works on an ailment plant and is under the oppressive regime of Dr Sawyer (39), wanting to escape the clutches and demands of Dr Sawyer, Caster escapes the plant on Stone County island and heads to find refuge in the nearby dock, dazed and confused, Castor stows away on a nearby boat in the hope that nobody will spot him and he can be free. This boat is owned by Calvin (23) who is a doctor himself and a psychiatrist who offers to lend Castor a hand in helping him get him self together again. Castor and Calvin experience highs and lows on their journey as Castor seeks to reinvent himself back into modern society and his alcoholic tendencies are much to the annoyance of Calvin’s wife Kristen (43) . The ultimatum is that Castor must choose his own path in life and relieve him self of his past fears through acceptance.
Budget and Practical/ Marketing Concerns:

The budget requirements for Happiness Loves Company would be £4 million as although it does not feature stunts or the use of computer generated imagery, the use of locations are diverse ranging from the church in London, the flame station, the swan station, Los Angeles, Alabama and the desert which would require financial costs to transport the crew to the different locations and to perform location recces. The practical concerns would be the marketing of Happiness Loves Company as I would like to market it as a competitive main stream film but it may not have broad appeal and therefore would be categorized as a specialty film and therefore will only be released in limited theaters. The practical concerns are that a similar product may have been created which I am not aware of and also if audiences will connect with the script with the large amount of characters and unconventional narrative used. The budget requirement may also exceed the £4 million level as the use of locations such as the Cruise Ship and the use of vehicles would also require risk assessments and this includes the cost of acquiring the vehicles.
High-concept Films or Television series rely on features such as movie stars to build audience anticipation, and they might use cross-promotional advertising campaigns with links to a soundtrack, music video or merchandise. My script is low concept as it is not a commercial vehicle, as there is no specific brand to my script but the key details are told throughout the depth of the characters and their history. There is a risk that my audience will be alienated as the genre is not conventional.
Character Briefs and non-fiction talent requirements:
Castor: a 35 year old man who is an ex-navy veteran and suffers from neurosis, seeks to find companionship and a friend who will understand his condition, along with Calvin he is the primary character of the script and the Main Protagonist. For adaptation to screen the actor for Castor would not have to display high levels of physical fitness, it would require them to not be bald or grey as the ideology behind the character is that although he is 35 he still has a youthful side to his nature.
Calvin: A 38 year old man, who is educated and well dressed, depicted as the opposite of Castor as he is sensible and conforms to his wife Kristen’s demands. Is also a primary character of the script and shows the friendly natured aspect of his personality by letting Castor help him on his mission as he believes Castor is a man in need, Calvin is depicted as the good Samaritan and liberal, juxtaposed with Castor who is eccentric. For adaptation to screen the actor for Calvin would require being able to have good communication skills and a clear diction when speaking preferably with a British accent however similar to Castor this role would not require excessive levels of personal fitness.
Bella: A 29 year old Woman who is in a relationship with Castor but he leaves her to experience the real world, Bella is only a minor character who does not have any dialogue as it is explained that she waited for Castor for several years but he did not come back, her motivation for leaving was to begin a new life and reinvent herself, much like Castor she wanted to be reborn and see life from a new perspective, the cruel outcome is that they never get to see each other ever again. For adaptation to screen the actress for Bella would have to be able to speak with an American accent, similarly with Castor and Calvin she would not have to display athletic or fitness abilities. The age for the actress would be preferably 20s to mid-30’s as a middle aged actress would not suit the narrative of the story development.
Valencia: A 28 year old woman dressed in a candy apple red dress which is striking and visually stunning, she is an attendant of a friend’s wedding and close friend of Larry. Valencia is a supportive friend and a person who believes that in life we must accept our ups and downs. Valencia has not been acquainted with Calvin for very long and has never met Castor. The actress for Valencia’s character would also be required to have an English accent if possible or at least well-spoken as Valencia is depicted as eloquent and friendly. This role does not require physical or demanding acts.
Larry: A 31 year old woman who is friends with Valencia, equally fashionable dressed in a scarlet red dress. Larry has previously been in a relationship with Calvin and acts as the painful memory in Calvin’s life much similar to Castor who has the painful memory of Bella in his life, the theme that is reinforced is regret and also the importance to love and appreciate what you have in life. Larry is a minor character as she only features in one scene. The actress for Larry’s character would be required to have a British accent and not be aging excessively as both Larry and Valencia are meant to depict woman who are independent but not middle aged. This role does not require physical demands.
Taylor: a 52 year old lady who is Bella’s Mother and is very concerned for Bella’s welfare and teaches her the importance of not rushing into relationships but being prepared. Taylor’s role is to explain to Castor that Bella has moved on and found a new life; the sacrifice of Castor leaving her originally would later cause much pain to him. Taylor dresses plainly and wears a floral patterned dress as she enjoys gardening and nature. Taylor only features in the scene in which she explains to Castor that Bella has made a new family in Alabama and is therefore a minor character. The actress for Taylor’s character would be required to be middle aged and have a deep American accent and preferably a passion for gardening as this is a central part of Taylor’s role, this will not require physical demands although this could be tiring.
Kristen: a 43 year old woman and Calvin’s muse/wife, she dresses similarly to Valencia and Larry in bright and outlandish colors, we meet Kristen as she is dressed in a bright orange sequinned dress. Kristen is wary of any new friends that Calvin brings into their life as she operates a tightly knit family. Kristen’s motive is that she is suspicious of Castor and what he really wants from Calvin, this leads to tension between Castor and Kristen all the while Calvin is the go between and forced to consider the best decision to take. Kristen is a minor character as she is not central to the core plot but does influence Calvin’s decision making and is also important to the theme of the script similar to the other female characters. The actress for Kristen’s character would have to be middle aged but preferably not too old and grey as she is the muse of Calvin and is meant to represent wisdom but not a pensioner. This role is not physically demanding.
Dr Sawyer: a 39 year old man who is very interested in biology and sciences, an employer of Castor during Castor’s navy years, Dr Sawyer seeks to investigate Castor’s wild behavior but is less friendly than Calvin and is depicted as the enemy within the script as he forces Castor to flee. Dr Sawyer is dressed in a stained lab coat and unlike the other characters is not very considerate of his appearance. The actor for Doctor Sawyer would be required to be middle aged and depict the characterization of an eccentric scientist, this role is not physically demanding but could be mentally demanding.
Theme and Messages of Happiness loves Company script:
The themes which run throughout Happiness loves company are friendship which is resonated through Calvin and Castor’s relationship, the inspiration for the name of my script was through the idea that happiness is found through people and it is important to try and find salvation in people rather than being recluse which Castor could have so easily been, the message is that in life we should not reject help and friendship as we do not know how important people are, the theme is that the friends you have in life are all you really need as you go through life people will die and people will be born and days will end and a new day will start but the important thing is to make each day meaningful. Other themes include forgiveness and acceptance that the human condition means we cannot control other people or expect them to bow to our every command which is highlighted with Castor and his relationship with Bella, the script outlines that you must squeeze every golden moment of life and live in the moment rather than thinking that you could have done things differently. The final theme is the conflict that friends and partners experience, the isolation and loneliness of Castor is explained as he struggled to deal with relationships, finally he found himself through a companion after he nearly lost his life, he looks back on his life and acknowledges that he never wants to feel like he did that day and that he must carry the scar that many human beings carry.
Target Audience:
The target audience for Happiness Loves Company would be a diverse target audience as it features female empowerment and also universal themes such as loneliness and friendship which are themes which run current in everyday life, the use of language would not be explicit so this would not cut out minors, the certification for Happiness Loves Company would be a 12 age range as it is not sexually explicit and does not feature violence although the themes are psychological and dark. The demographic who I feel would most feel connected to my script would be middle aged men and woman and anybody who has experienced pain throughout a relationship. The distribution of the script if it was to be made into a film would be via a mainstream film company and if it was produced for a television format then I would like this to be selected for BBC or Channel 4.
Identification of product and concept:
My script Happiness Loves Company would be a low concept idea as the idea cannot be easily pitched within the premise; my script is revolved around character development and the progression of characters as they seek to find an answer to their problems which ultimately is found at the end of the script after a long process of searching. Happiness Loves Company is a complex character study and would not feature the broad appeal that would be in high concept ideas such as Jaws or the Matrix. For example Snakes on A plane which features the whole outcome of the film in the title is a high concept, although my title does reveal an insight into the characters, the characters have a huge intricacy within flashbacks and flash-forwards which does not align with the conventional narrative of films that are high concept such as The sixth sense or Jurassic Park. The reasoning behind choosing to have a flashback was to enhance the story, the opening segment of the script acts as the opening chapter of establishing setting and introducing the reader to the audience, the use of flashback helps to explain the life of Castor and how he first became acquainted with Calvin, the end of the film then features a flash-forward to give narrative closure and outline to the audience the use of narrative structure. The inspiration for my choice of narrative structure was loosely based on Memento which utilizes a complex narrative, I was interested by films which played with Narrative such as Pulp Fiction and Reservoir dogs and the effect that narrative can have on the audience. The unique selling point of my script is that it features a narrative story that does not adhere to the story timeline of a conventional book or script, the audience are emotionally connected to Castor and Calvin and the use of flash-backs is a device which hooks the audience and ensures that they will want to read the script to find out how Castor’s situation is resolved. Female empowerment is a theme of my script which is also unique selling point as although films such as kill bill and Aliens have depicted female protagonists many films still portray men as the advanced gender. The portrayal of Kristen within my script is a of a strong woman who can make decisions for herself and is not dominated by Calvin’s control, equally Bella moves on from Castor and is not controlled by him.
Synopsis/treatment of Happiness Loves Company:
In 1941 London, Castor (35) a man who dresses in overalls lives a life of debauchery and is a ex navy man who enjoys living an erratic lifestyle, struggling to adjust to society and holding down a full time job. Castor has had several jobs as a janitor and on an ailment plant but often feels lonely and isolated in everyday life and wants to build a close connection with the only friend he has got Calvin (38) a smartly dressed, eloquently spoken man who has had a good education; they both decide to attend a wedding to relax and escape from all their problems. The common bond which both Castor and Calvin is they have both had failed relationships, Castor ran away from Bella (29) an American girl who is kind hearted and works a teacher and Calvin’s ex girlfriend is Larry (31) a fashionably dressed woman who works in design.  Throughout the ceremony we learn more about both characters and the complexity of Castor as he struggles to bury his secrets and dark memories. In a flashback we learn more about the history and depth to Castor who is the opposite to Calvin and had never experienced a good education , previously Castor in 1926 at Stone county island worked under the oppressive regime of eccentric Dr Sawyer (39) a scientist and powerful boss who runs a secretive ailment plant on the stone county island, tired of the monotony of his job and wanting to shake off his lowly born tags, Castor escapes from job at the ailment plant in stone county island and hides in a nearby dock on a boat to take refuge.
Despite Castor’s imposition, his kind nature and all-encompassing care for others, Castor finds salvation when he meets Calvin on board his boat HMS wonder in 1926, a family man who is successful and financially stable and Married to Kristen (43) a family woman who along with Calvin helps to maintain the family unit and business.
Castor reveals the difficulties he has experienced in his life and the worries which follow him in everyday life, exposing to Calvin that he often felt that his only friend is the city he lives; this isolation has led him to seek to find a companion. In the swan station in 1926 Calvin seeks to try and help Castor’s emotional state of mind. The development of the story is that the flashback helps to create the depth to the characters and provides a character arc which is then progressed throughout the story.
Castor takes a liking to Calvin and is pleased that has finally found someone who understands the human condition and the need for friendship, in order to help Castor find peace of mind, Calvin gives him therapy which will look at understanding why he feels low and also teaches him that in life we all experience highs and lows, life is a great equalizer of problems as we all experience loss, tragedy, death and sadness. Another theme that runs concurrent throughout Happiness Loves Company is addiction which has grabbed Castor by the soul to squeeze; Castor must learn to accept that no amount of drink or drugs will cure him of his worries; the art to living life is to find a balance within life’s rich tapestry, the conflict is highlighted in the cabin of HMS wonder in 1926 in which Kristen’s begins to become concerned with Castor’s irrational behaviour and this is the early signs of cracks beginning to form in Castor and Calvin’s friendship. 
In Los Angeles in 1926 Calvin proposes to Castor that must prove himself to Kristen and himself that he is ready to accept responsibility of jobs and other people, the task is to head to the Nevada desert to perform a driving based challenge in the hot sun. During the driving challenge in Nevada in 1926, Castor does not want to complete the challenge as he wants to just go with Calvin and be free of the Kristen, Calvin knowing that he loves Kristen lets Castor leave. Happiness Loves Company explores Castor’s failed relationships as he travel to Bella’s old apartment only to find Bella’s mother Taylor (52) a gardener and house keeper wearing a lovely floral dress, who explains that Bella moved away much like he did. This pain and regret of not seizing the opportunity to be with Bella while he could is what consumes him and is his biggest hurdle to entering society again. Importantly Castor’s criticisms of Calvin as he begins to lose faith in the new movement  is an important part of the story which is learning to apologize when you act rash in a situation. The message of the film explores what happens to broken hearted people and learning to let go of the trappings that we all face as human beings.
The conflict in the story is Castor’s lack of faith in humanity and his lack of ability to work independently which causes tension with Calvin as although he cares for Castor he is also aware that Castor needs to take responsibility in his life. The resolution for Castor is that Calvin offers a trip in which they will both go and promote Calvin’s new book the ‘nighthawk’ and along the way Calvin will provide Castor with a series of tests to ensure he is fully committed.
The equilibrium of the story is in the final segment in which Castor in the present day London 1941 accepts he is not worthy of joining the dedicated new movement which Calvin has created but Castor creates an alternative plan in which they both travel to London to enjoy themselves and start a fresh, thus the beginning also mirrors the end in which both Calvin and Caster let go of their ties and enjoy a different way of life.

Ext. Town Hall and center - London – 1941- Day
A crowd gathers; cheering as a procession passes.
Surveying the crowd for opportunities; two well-dressed men
loiter near the church door. CASTOR, 35, is in navy
overalls. In contrast; on CALVIN 38, hangs a tailored suit.
Homing in with hawk-like vision, CASTOR spots an open purse.
He gestures subtly to CALVIN; whose attention is elsewhere.
CALVIN is busy listening to a conversation behind the ajar
Church door. Forgetting the purse; Calvin turns to listen.

Some dialogue here revealing that a
wedding is starting.

The two scoundrels exchange looks. Surreptitiously, they
edge in towards the celebration and champagne showers.
What a beautiful wedding.
I left my overalls near the door, is that the right thing to do?
(CASTOR again tries to get CALVIN'S attention as CALVIN is nonchalant.)
There is no correct etiquette remember we are not supposed to be here, we must blend in to our environment and not act suspicious.
The style of garments is superb, black slacks and accentuating off white pin stripes, I am rather surprised to be an occasion like this, especially when I am very much under-dressed.
Nonsense we deserve to enjoy ourselves, this is the perfect way to relax after all the work we have done.
Meanwhile we then are introduced to two new characters, Larry is dressed in scarlet red and Valencia dressed in a candy apple red dress.  Larry is an ex of Calvin and they have not seen each other for some time.
Larry 31 and Valencia 28 wait patiently at the bar.
(Curious and with a catlike playfulness, Larry scans the room for something to play with, as she glances she spots Calvin)
[Shocked] I thought that I could be free of Calvin but bizarrely he is at the banquet.
[Larry has asked the ceremony about Calvin activities before his appearance]  Your right that is oh so very strange that he is here at the churchyard, but it is important that you prove you have move on despite the memories you share.
Surveying the area CALVIN and Castor catch a glimpse of the banquet and move on into the next room.
Int - guest room banquet - day
[Castor has asked the Calvin about his preferred drink] I am having sofa and ice, please, thanks.
Oh. You don't indulge in alcohol anymore? I'm surprised.
[CASTOR looks deeply at CALVIN, his previous addiction to alcohol reminds of the pain]
You have been self indulgent in your life too.
Err... I'm sorry?
In Your profession, psychiatry and Scientology.
I always imagined that you drunk in your spare time.
News to me.
[Examines CALVIN'S glass] What's that, water in your glass there?
[Laughs, despite himself] Excellent response there my friend, you obviously have good resistance mechanisms, and perhaps that have come from years of being on the run and never knowing where to turn to.

[Gets up and walks off into the distance, staring up into the sky he dazes into a dreamlike state]
As CASTOR looks up into the sky he remembers the conversation with CALVIN and instantly thinks of his job at the ailment plant and his vices.
Flashback Int - Ailment Plant - stone county island- Evening - 1926
CASTOR is an ex-navy man who served overseas and began life working in an ailment plant.
Revealing the details behind how they met we learn that CASTOR is struggling to adjust to society after his ordered life gets turned upside down and in meeting CALVIN the leader of a  movement, CALVIN finds something special in CASTOR who agrees to travel with him around the world.
We learn previous to this CASTOR is fired from his job as a detective for being drunk.
We are also introduced to Dr Sawyer a 39 year old man wearing a stained lab coat and looking very serious who is the boss of the ailment plant at stone county island.
Dr Sawyer:
You served overseas before, huh?
I have not done much of a stretch, Doc. For all you know I am milkman in my hometown.
No, you are not. - Since the schoolyard, you have never walked away from a physical conflict, I can see it in your eyes that you were born to battle.
I was not raised to run, Doc.
Hmm, Raised. And who raised you, CASTOR?
I was raised by the night sir.
[Dr. SAWYER laughs to himself] Very impressive answer CASTOR, your smarter than you look. You seem to have an understanding of the world and you seem to know no fear.
[Looks puzzled at DR SAWYER] What was meant by that sir?
Dr Sawyer:
You're as violent as they come. I know this, because I'm as violent as they come. If the constraints of society were lifted and I was all that stood in your way of you getting a drink you would bludgeon my head against the wall.
[Runs to attack DR SAWYER] You think you know me and understand me but I will leave stone county island, you have working on something suspicious and I demand to know what it is.
[Attacked by CASTOR, DR SAWYER winces in pain; several guards overhear the attack and run after CASTOR] Do you not realize that you cannot leave this island because you are for a reason, leaving this island only causes you more pain and destruction, it is here on this island that you belong.
CASTOR drunk and confused runs away from the farm and is dazed and confused with no real knowledge of how to escape.
After CASTOR'S escape he is left without shelter and stows away on a nearby boat that he comes across to spend the night, the Boat is owned by his future friend CALVIN. CALVIN discovers CASTOR tucked away in the boat's cabin and agrees to help him get his life back on track with therapy and stop his addiction to drugs and alcohol.
As CASTOR'S gains full consciousness he awakes in an open room with CALVIN sat opposite him.
Int - HMS wonder - Night
What do you do sir?
I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man a hopelessly impertinent man like you.
You know, this island makes me wonder.
What is that my friend?
If any of this is real.
With my help you will understand your true nature.
I feel like I am trapped on this island but everywhere I go I bring pain and misery.
Don't worry that is just the universe going through it’s balance, everybody experiences this feeling.
[Laughs] (Mixing up ailments and concocting new drinks he hands CALVIN a cup) This is for you.
And as a scientist and an aficionado, I have no idea
the contents of this wonderful concoction what is it?
Ah brilliant, I would like to find out more about why you feel so trapped and your memories.

[Looks at CALVIN and smiles] Sounds like we will have a wonderful time.
CASTOR and CALVIN enter another room and begin a sequence of questions called the “experiments”
CALVIN begins an exercise with CASTOR called thought the “experiments” which aims to reveal CASTOR'S past worries and to help him lose the traits that worry him.
CASTOR reveals that his father has passed away and he did not express his deepest love for him whilst he was alive, Castor has become convinced that the universe has shifted into a low because of his bad actions.

Are you thoughtless in your remarks?
Do you believe that you are in control of your own life?
They say you can make your own luck but do you make your own bad luck or good luck?
Do you believe that this life is more than just read through and that there is a deeper purpose to life?
This life is more than ordinary and I believe that we will experience a higher ground after we die but human nature has been self destructive for years and we have been idiotic.
Are you a religious man and do you believe that we will find redemption when we fade away and die?
The nights are long but the years are short when your alive, we must understand the true value of life but squeezing and savoring every moment, I sometimes feel that a dark cloud is following me where I go.
I believe your fear of death and not living life to the full is from a childhood experience.

[Exits with CALVIN towards the map room where they will navigate their journey away from the island]
CASTOR studies the map with CALVIN and they decide to travel with CALVIN'S family and spread the teachings of their new found movements, we begin to see that Castor and Calvin’s relationship is growing.
CALVIN and his family have congregated in the main port and discuss Castor previous drinking habits and if it will affect his journey.
CALVIN'S wife KRISTEN is 43; she is dressed in a velvet orange sequined dress and is stood against the dinner table and approaches CALVIN to talk to him. KRISTEN is angry that she was not informed of CASTOR'S previous actions and wants him to leave the movement
He is dangerous CALVIN and he will be the end of us if he does not leave, he is past reform and relies too much on alcohol.
If we do not help him and meet his needs, then are we not also failing him, life at times requires us to make sacrifice.
He is past help, maybe he is insane, please just listen to me, we have to question how he has contributed to the movement.
KRISTEN secretly meets CASTOR and blackmails him into leaving as she does not want Calvin’s life to be in danger.
CALVIN is arrested for practicing and preaching without having a valid certificate in a mall. CASTOR is also arrested for assaulting the police officers, again proving that he has not dealt with how to better himself, this creates tension between the two characters and leaves CALVIN questioning their friendship.
INT - Police station - day - 1926
Take me home please, all I wanted was just to feel a part of family and to give love and service to people.
Where is your home Castor? You were born a rambling man, you do the best you can but you have never been a man who has belonged to anywhere.

The two men trade insults until CALVIN turns his back. They reconcile upon their release, CASTOR ask for his forgiveness and that he will partake in more exercises to understand the real ideas behind the movement. After much discussion CASTOR grows frustrated as he wants a quick fix and tires from the lack of real results, he agrees however to help CALVIN with his final request, travel to Australia to promote his new book, 'The Nighthawk'.
CASTOR helps CALVIN promote the book and after the successful profit of the book, CASTOR agrees to travel to the city of angels to partake in one last test to see if he is free to leave the team.
[Looks closely at CASTOR]
You must gain my trust and this simple test is to prove how much that you believe in me and my operation, I trusted you and despite how all my family felt I still wanted to help you.
As CALVIN and CASTOR begin their final friendship test, they survey all the landscapes for a possible area to meet. CALVIN decides on the arid open landscape of the Nevada Desert.
CALVIN proposes that trust is fundamental to relationships and will help them regain trust.
Are you ready to prove to me that you can face the world again? Come with me to Bayonne in the Nevada desert.
[Looks puzzled but notices the serious look on CALVIN'S face] In this life it is not what you deserve it's what you take, I will come with you if it means helping me. [CASTOR jumps into CALVIN'S car and they drive of into the sunset]
And there is the account of the life of two men, and the lifesaving encounter that he experienced. There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and who only knows?
Surveying the crowd for opportunities; CASTOR and CALVIN drive through the open wasteland into the heart of the desert.

EXT: Nevada desert - day
[Speaking to a group of followers, he then turns to CASTOR]I will tell you the greatest thing in my life CASTOR, I learnt to let go of some things that meant a lot to me, you learn that the planet will do another revolution and the world could do with a clear connection but you must learn to live with life’s troubles, we all live and struggle with loneliness it is a tender mess for everyone I guess.
I'm really nervous that you hate me for the life I had led, I just feel that in life your born, you grow and then leave the family nest and wave good bye to ma and pa and with the birds I share this lonely view.
[Looks concerned towards CASTOR]
Let me tell you something, this life is not an easy one. I am called on to represent my cause, people often disagree, its bad news. And it stinks. But this is my job and I love it. Because I want to do well - in this life and in this world, I want to do well. And I want to help people. And I might get twenty bad calls a day but I am always please to at least helped someone n life and this brightens up my day.
How is it that you can help me now?
You’re a good person and I won't let you just walk out on me, you want to be with the group, the cause then you must trust in me. [CALVIN points an area in the distance and during the exercise, CASTOR is supposed to ride a motorcycle at high speed through the desert towards an object in the distance and then return]
I think sometimes people need to be forgiven and sometimes they need a little help, thanks for showing me the true nature of myself, I must go and be free to live my own life now. [CALVIN points to an area in the desert]
This part of the story resembles the scorpion frog fable as the frog which Is Calvin has offered Castor the scorpion help in life, in the fable the scorpion promises the frog that he will not sting him as if he did they would both drown, however the scorpion stings him as it is in his nature, similarly to Castor it is in his nature to let go of people, he decides to let go of Calvin.
CASTOR decides to drive out of the desert and leave the movement, abandoning CALVIN. He goes home to try an rekindle his relationship with BELLA, but learns from her mother that she has married and started a family in ALABAMA in the seven years since he last saw her. CALVIN is sad that CASTOR has left him but pleased that he can live life on his own.
CASTOR thinks about how to rekindle his relationship with BELLA. Surveying her neighborhood he drives by her house. TAYLOR a  52 year old lady dressed in a floral dress is in the garden watering the flowers.
EXT: Alabama - day - 1930
(CASTOR looks anxious as he approaches TAYLOR)Hey is Bella around, I presume you are her Mother?
You have not visited for years! I am afraid that BELLA no longer lives here, she waited for you for so long and you threw it away.
I'm sorry, I just wanted one more chance at love, I hate myself for the way I was, I went away to travel and find myself but I realize that I was nothing without BELLA.
Sorry to hear that, BELLA lives in Washington now she is remarried and trying to create a new life.
[Looks disappointed as he leaves] Thank you for keeping me in the loop.
CASTOR leaves disappointed and angry at BELLA, he believes that he gave up his life for her; he questions her commitment to him and wishes that he could have it all back. Deciding to forget about her he travels to New York to live a new life.
While sleeping in a movie theatre in times square in New York, CASTOR has a "vision" of Calvin, who calls him by telephone, having mysteriously located him. CALVIN informs CASTOR that he is now residing in LONDON and that CASTOR must join him as soon as possible.
Taking the dream literally, CASTOR longs to find Calvin and believes message is from a higher power, from the gods above, he then decides to travel across the Atlantic to reunite with CALVIN and find a place to stay, a secret little hide away. When he arrives, CALVIN seems happy to see him but KRISTEN tells him that CASTOR has no intention of improving his life and that he should no longer be involved in "The Movement".
CALVIN finally realizes that his wife is correct and that CASTOR must venture out to the world and take his own path. CASTOR begins to look upon his life and acknowledges that he will not live forever and he must make important decisions but dies. CALVIN gives CASTOR an ultimatum: stay with "THE MOVEMENT" and devote himself to it for the rest of his life or leave and never come back.
CASTOR tries to convince CALVIN to come and travel around LONDON with him and build a friendship in that way.
CALVIN agrees and CASTOR and CALVIN overlook the street trying to find a taxi to the city. In the TAXI they survey a huge congregation and it reminds them of the experience they had in the church.

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